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Thursday 30 April 2015

New online course: ART OF SEXUAL AND SPIRITUAL COMMUNION - TANTRA | 3-month course

Sunday 9 September 2012


For up-to-date info, see Inspiration Flow

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Tuesday 11 October 2011

Sunday 14 August 2011

You can be happy. You can be free.

Learn how to dance with Life. Rooted, Inspired, Connected.

You can uncover what relationships work for you, and what patterns you need to change in your life in order to be true to your heart.

You can be successful doing what you love. You came here to do what you love. You came here to spread the joy that this brings you.

Live your deepest truth.
This is where your peace is.
This is what the world needs from you.

If I can help you in any way, let me know. I'll be glad to hear from you.
- Peter

Saturday 23 April 2011

Peace, now.

Peace is here for you now. That's what some people call 'Grace'.
It's not going to come in the future. It's always here, now.

We make the mistake of 'seeking' peace instead of 'opening' to peace.
If you can't open to peace now you will continue seeking, one way or another - that's just how it is.

Now is the (timeless) time... Peace is inherently here in the Presence of Being.

Perhaps this makes perfect sense to you but you just don't quite know how to put this into practice in your life... That is what the one-on-one spiritual coaching is for.
The purpose is not to give you new spiritual teachings, but to help you to integrate into your life what your heart and mind know to be true.

Friday 14 May 2010

What kind of Coaching?

Sometimes we don't know exactly what we want and what we need...
Maybe we just need some general help with stress-management for dealing with the multitude of unexpected, unwanted or repetitive situations that arise in our lives.

Also, your coaching issue may not be directly related to spirituality. You may however feel that it would be preferable to receive coaching from someone who integrates and shares a spiritual perspective.
You may be seeking help in other areas of your life - maybe you're struggling to keep afloat financially, or you're struggling with emotional upheavals due to loss of a loved one, or you're in a relationship that has become difficult. These are all areas that we tend to have problems with at one time or another.
We can usually benefit from coaching in any area of our life, if we feel open to receiving this help.

Examples of other life-situations that you could receive coaching for:
- Relationship difficulties (personal, familiar, work environment, etc.)
- Personal issues (habits and character traits - shyness, lack of confidence, anger, irrational fears, impatience, chronic anxiety, etc.)
- Financial difficulties (sometimes we need to change our perspective before we can allow for changes to happen in our life)
- Career difficulties (lack of 'job satisfaction', lack of direction in one's career, etc.)
- Creative blocks (i.e. feeling that our creative flow is blocked. This can even turn work that we usually love into something unpleasant and stressful)
- Sexuality - improving intimate relationships - and other sexual issues (impotency, sexual addiction, frigidity, mistrust, lack of fulfilment, etc.); Erotic embodiment, Tantra as a spiritual practice. Honouring Sexual energy as a means of deep healing, integration and as a path of ecstasy and Spiritual Illumination.
- Health - How can we expect to feel well and be sucessful in any area of our life if we don't take care of the basics - our health, our vitality, our well-being?

Please note, I am not a licensed expert in all the areas referred to above. If you are looking for a doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, financial expert, etc., then you may prefer to seek someone else's help or advice.
My expertise is in the area of human potential, the 'mechanics of the mind' (and of the mind-body connection), life-changes, individual freedom, self-knowledge and genuine fulfilment.

If this sounds right for you, or if you would like to know more, don't hesitate, just contact me at

If you would like to know more about Peter's work with Health Coaching and the practices that he uses, you can see the following pages:
- EnergyFlow Massage
- Rebirthing Breathwork and EnergyFlow Sacred BreathWork

Wishing you Peace!